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5 февраля 2025
Главная // Mission


Русская версия  English version

Chemical and petrochemical industries are considered as major industries in Russia. Their products are in demand by all other sectors of the economy and their status and development depend on the level of national competitiveness, economic growth and prosperity of our country. Over the past decade, the chemical industry of Russia have passed a complicated path from the rapid growth in the 50-70s of last century - when in the industry was created a significant manufacturing capacity to the decline of the late 80s - when the level of construction has dropped rapidly, and in the 90th when the investments in the industry have ceased practically. However, since the crisis of August, 1998 there appeared a new economic situation in the country and in 1999 the chemical industry demonstrated a significant growth.

Nowadays, the share of Russian chemical plants is equal to 1.1 % of world’s chemicals production capacity. Chemical industry of Russia occupies the 20th place in the world in terms of manufacturing capability and 11th - in terms of output per capita. The major problem of the development of domestic chemical industry is low competitiveness of Russian producers on the vast majority of commodities. This is because the existing manufacturing equipment at some plants according to its technical characteristics seriously tail away of foreign origin. Life cycle of the major equipment is 25 years and more and run out of fixed assets is at the level of 70-80 %. The other problem is: export-oriented chemical industry of raw materials, the permanent usage of technological schemes with high coefficients of raw material and energy consumption (greater by 1.5-2 times in comparison to the developed countries) and other costs inherited from Soviet times with predominance on low production capability. Russian chemical and petrochemical companies, «stop» mainly at the early stages of technological development with the main stress on selling and exporting of chemical semi-products, rather than end products, whose production is hampered by the lack of quality chemical raw materials and modern technologies. For example, the import share of plastics, paints and rubber products is increasing from year to year. The major task to support the development of the domestic manufacturers of above-said and the other products is to ensure the quality of incoming raw materials.

The market of chemical products, and especially of high-tech is developing rapidly in our country. Nowadays, we can point out that a demand for chemical products increased from all industrial sectors of end-users. But there are huge resources - in Russia is manufactured about 4.6 kg/year of chemical products per capita, and the average rate in the world is 29-32 kg/year. The main strategic goal of chemical and petrochemical industry in Russia – is a development of competitiveness of chemical industry. This means ensuring the needs of the market competitive finished products through the creation and implementation of modern energy-saving technologies, capable to hold positions in the domestic and foreign markets in an open economy. Experts predict that the share of chemical industry in the country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) should rise up to 3 % by 2015. Production volumes should grow by 3-4 times and the share of high value added products have to increase from 30 to 70 % while export of raw materials has to reduce from 70 to 30 %. Stable development of chemical and petrochemical industry is impossible without providing the industry with quality chemical raw materials. This is the Mission of our Company:

Satisfaction of individual needs of each separate customer in products and related services by required quantity and quality, in a right place, in a right time, and at the best price level. Thanks to well-organized logistics system and a highly professional team, we fill the gaps in the supply of goods, which either is not produced in Russia or the quality does not correspond to the modern standards. Following to our Mission, we contribute to the development of chemical industry of Russian Federation.


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